Procedural & Ultrasound Skills in Emergency Medicine
The field of emergency medicine is constantly evolving, and the teaching of competencies and skills is also expanding. Moreover, each generation of emergency physicians requires additional knowledge and skills to meet the demands of their training period. Therefore, acquiring sufficient skills has become increasingly important in emergency medicine training.
Procedural and ultrasound skills are recognised by the Royal College of Emergency Medicine (RCEM) as being particularly useful and integral to all examinations conducted by the College. This growing importance is mainly due to increased attention to patient safety and stricter standards in accreditation training programmes.
With the advent of technology and abundant ultrasound equipment in many emergency departments, point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) has emerged as "the skill every emergency physician should acquire". When performed correctly, POCUS offers significant advantages in the accuracy of interventions and reduces various complications. Therefore, acquiring a certain skill level is necessary to perform the ultrasound correctly and avoid patient complications.
RCEM has published a comprehensive list of skills that an ED physician should comprehend.
Furthermore, ED clinicians must be familiar with every procedure's indications, contraindications, landmarks, and potential complications. In addition to providing a detailed understanding of emergency procedures, this textbook is a perfect resource for medical students and emergency clinicians. In this book, Emergency physicians will encounter a wealth of information about established and emerging procedural and ultrasound skills issues.